Sunday, March 27, 2011

week 10

The one-shot workshops were great and I learned so much from copyright to social media!  I must admit seven groups seemed a bit overwhelming because most groups felt rushed, but we finished by the end of the class period.  In general, groups had to really to watch their time to make sure everyone had a chance to present.  Because some of us felt rushed I thought that we were not able to absorb and reflect on all of the information we had just learned.  One group did bring yummy cupcakes, but one can never have enough treats…

How People Learn, Chap. 7

This chapter describes how to become an effective teacher because it is not all about the knowledge one possesses on the subject.  It is about the having both subject knowledge and pedagogical knowledge (how to incorporate activities that best teach students the material).  The emphasis is getting students in disciplines such as math, history and sciences to understand the material, not just memorize it.

This concept makes sense to me.  I feel like my AP or honors teachers used these ideas, which facilitated more understanding of the material.  In less challenging courses the teacher only wanted you to get the right answer on a test or quiz.  Is that why so many people who did well on standardized tests did not always do well in college?  They could memorize the material they needed, but in college you also needed to understand what you were reading, not just regurgitate it back.

“Online Webinars! Interactive Learning Where Our Users Are: The Future of Embedded librarianship” by Susan E. Montgomery

Montgomery talks about how embedded librarianship should include online resources such as webinars in order to help and connect with students.  Less and less students are using face-to-face interactions and look towards the web for answers, therefore, librarians should move towards an online environment to keep up with the changing times.  Unlike screencast and tutorials, webinars provide interactions and two-way communication.  Webinars can be used an instructional tool to connect students and faculty outside the traditional library setting.

The Embedded Librarian Online or Face-to-Face: American University's Experiences
By Michael A. Matosa; Nobue Matsuoka-Motleya; William Mayer

This article also talks about the role of embedded librarianship in the academic librarian profession.  Embedded librarianship is separated into two categories, traditional and hybrid.  The traditional role is what most of us are accustom to because the librarian is in a specific library serving the students and faculty in that department.  A hybrid librarian spends lots of time in the university library but leaves often to perform instruction and events in the department they support.  To keep this short since most of you read it I will just say that technology such as web-based tools allows librarians to perform their tasks more successfully.  In the end their ultimate mission: helping the users.

I personally have never heard of the term embedded librarianship before this week’s readings and I must say it seems a little daunting.  In addition to providing information to students and faculty, librarians must come up with and execute different methods to reach the patrons.  If execution was not enough, the librarians must do it well and have all of these technology skills.  Whatever happened to the days of sitting at your desk waiting for patrons with questions and getting first dibs on new books before they’re released to the public?  I use to think librarians had it made, but now I see that they have to be Superwoman (or man).  We’ll see how I compare with my webinar.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Week 9--We Are Getting Close!

This is going to be a shorter post since there isn't any additional reading for this week.  We are all working on our one-shot workshops.

I am going to give you guys a little preview to what you can expect from my group (Emily and Elise) on Monday.  Our topic is the need for librarians in public schools. With the current economic crisis around the nation, many school libraries are reducing their library staff to part-time or are eliminating them all together.  Because of this students are not receiving the instruction they need to become successful in college nor learning necessary skills.  We will be presenting our workshop to administrators in charge of the budget, and try to convince them that the need for school librarians. (I know you all our excited!)


We had a lot going on in class that night.  We went over our assignment for next week, the one-shot workshop.  I think that this is interesting approach to convincing a specific group your view or benefit for whatever issue you are presenting.  At first, I thought these workshops would be similar to our screencast where we demonstrated how to use a tool.  I never considered using a workshop to advocate certain concerns.  I am excited to see what ethical issues everyone presents and if I would be convinced or agree with them afterwards.

 We also discussed HCOD and had a guest speaker, Bobbi Newman, through a webinar.  She was extremely level headed about the whole HCOD debate.  Most librarians seem to just rant and state how mad they are in their blogs (though they do have good reason to).  I am continuing to follow this issue and am curious how libraries will continue to deal with this issues—not just HCOD, but the problems with ebooks in general. Will other companies follow HarperCollins examples? How many libraries does this really affect right now? So many questions!   I do not like being left hanging!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Week 8

So Daylight Savings put be a little behind today, however, there is still a little sunshine outside!

Last week was book club week and I enjoyed it as much as I thought I would.  All of our stories had a mystery/creepy/death theme to them.  I wish I could say that I walked away with more answers than questions; however, I think I had more questions at the end.  That’s the problem with mysteries.  Sometimes you just don’t have an answer.  Two of our works were by Poe so we were able to refer back to him and his stories throughout our meeting.
While our book club was a success in general, I think providing more background information (if available) would be beneficial to this type of book club.  Since we picked different stories and some of us weren’t familiar with the author or work, I think more information would have helped us all understand the material better.  Overall, we had a great time and ate cake!


I read this blog to get a sense of HarperCollins’ side of the story.  Their official statement tries to justify their reasons for only allowing 26 uses for an e-book seems absurd.  What I don’t understand is why libraries must rebuy e-books when they don’t have to buy the print version again.  I believe HC is being greedy and are complaining how cheap they are selling e-books for—“20% lower than the print version.” It should be! They do not have the printing cost for e-books.

The ALA responds tastefully and respectively to HarperCollins' new conditions.  If you read between the lines, I think they are saying they disagree with HarperCollins new guidelines. There have created two groups, the Equitable Access to Electronic Content (EQUACC) and the E-book Task Force, to combat and hopefully persuade publishers to change their new positions on e-books.  While ALA must approach issues professionally, I am not sure how much effect these groups will have.

I chose this blog because it’s from my hometown and was curious to read about the reactions there. I actually have never used the Overdrive service because I prefer to read my books in the physical form and just haven’t gotten around to using their music section.  I thought it was interesting that NEKLS advised libraries to temporary boycott Overdrive purchases and place HarperCollins’ works in a separate Overdrive category.  I wonder who else is advising their libraries to do the same.

It’s looking like a lot of people disagree with HC new guidelines and I am one of them.

ALA Code of Ethics
I was surprised how short the ALA Code of Ethics was, however, it seems thorough.  None of the guidelines stuck out more than another because it seems similar to SAA’s Code of Ethics.  I guess each profession needs its own.  Since the MLA’s Code of Ethics isn’t assigned anymore, I may have to read it on my own just to see how it comes to ALA’s.

“Creating a Library Assignment Workshop for University Faculty” by Mosley

This article examines problems with the lack of communication between teachers and librarians in dealing with assignments and describes how to go about fixing these issues with a workshop. The author goes into detail the planning, activities, and executions to make this workshop successful.  All I can say is wow. I could not believe how much work and planning went into this workshop. There are just so many details I didn’t even think about and will be useful when planning my one-shot workshop.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Week 7--The Halfway Point

As usual I enjoyed class especially our guess speaker, Vicki Brown from the Ann Arbor District Library.  She discussed book clubs, tips, and various trends occurring.  In addition, she informed the class that the AADL assembles bags called “Book Clubs to Go.”  These bags contain the basic essentials required to hold a book club—multiple copies of the book, discussion question/notes, and the movie version of the book if available.  I did not know about this resource and am so excited to try it out that I am currently picking out a few options for my personal book club.  It’s hard because there are so many choices!

In addition to our guest speaker, we discussed the return of our blogger issue assignment, our upcoming book club assignment, and Socratic seminars.  Socratic seminars require deep critical thinking that help people (students in particular) to truly understand a document/writing/artwork, etc.  While leaders head up the discussion, they do not share their opinion.  They let the group come to their own conclusions.

At the end of class, a few “lucky” classmates (not me!) demonstrated the process of how the Socratic seminar worked.  Kristin asked each member of the seminar a question based on the Darnton’s article we read and they formulated their opinion.  While I am a fan of the Socratic seminar in academic settings, I am not for book club purposes.  I feel that the direct questions make people feel uncomfortable and can be intimidating, which is not the atmosphere I wish to conduct a book club discussion in.  I believe it should be relaxed and inviting not inquisitive.

My book club chose a short narrative by Edgar Allan Poe called " The Cask of Amontillado." After reading other selections for this week it fits in well for our book club.
“A Good Man Is Hard To Find”
I must admit this story did not turn out the way I anticipated it to. It starts off as a regular short story about a talkative grandmother and her family taking a short vacation to Florida; however, this narrative turns deadly. I am interested in hearing other group members’’ take and perhaps meaning behind the plot.

“The Imp of the Perverse”
It looks like another group also chose a work by Edgar Allen Poe.  Being familiar with Poe’s work and genre, I am expecting grimness and death to occur throughout the story.  I am not disappointed.  Though having read several of Poe’s works, I have not read this one in particular before.  I did find it more complex than some of Poe’s other stories.  I wonder if others felt the same way?

The picture that appeared with the story was creepy enough even without ever reading the story!  I must admit I am slightly confused at the ending of the story.  Why weren’t things “the same again after that?”  Why were these birds going there to die? So many questions!

This book club should be interesting since all of these stories seem to share similar themes, which should provide stimulating discussions.  While I find thrilling stories, well, thrilling, I dislike how they end without explanations.  I always wish for more information and understanding—not left to ponder my own conclusions.  I am curious to the insights of others and their comprehension of these readings.  Maybe they can provide answers to my questions.